There were so many amazing events and moments during the first Color The World Orange™ held Nov. 3, 2014.
There were orange cupcakes, orange cookies, orange beer, orange flowers, orange shirts, orange scarves, orange hats, orange shorts, orange wigs, orange necklaces, orange socks, orange shoes, orange pins, orange balloons, Color The World Orange parties and orange ribbons – lots and lots of orange ribbons – including some handed out at a wedding! There were dogs wearing orange, babies wearing orange, grandparents wearing orange! We received pictures from grade schools, high schools and colleges, including a fraternity. We received pictures from offices supporting colleagues across the U.S. Most importantly we received pictures from across the globe of people Coloring The World Orange to spread awareness of CRPS/RSD!
Lisa ran the NYC Marathon in an orange shirt that read #CRPSORANGEDAY™ in honor of Color The World Orange™ and CRPS awareness. Amanda completed a 200 mile bike ride in the U.K. to raise awareness.
There were multiple news articles in the U.S. and U.K. about color the world orange™, as well as a mention during a Colorado television news broadcast and on the BBC.
Buildings in New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Charlotte were lit orange for Color The World Orange™ and CRPS/RSD awareness. Bridges in New York and Oklahoma City, along with a fountain in Australia, were also turned orange. There were even CRPS/RSD awareness billboards in Oklahoma City!
Politicians in Australia, the U.K. and the U.S. helped support Color The World Orange™ by granting proclamations, sending out press releases and advertising the event on social media. In the U.S. there were 45 proclamations and citations granted, 20 from state governors. Color The World Orange™ supporters applied for proclamations from the governors of 48 out of 50 states.
Color The World Orange™ supporters raised more than $7,000 for the national non-profit rsdsa that is restricted for research. more than 1,000 tweets were sent about color the world orange™ and there were more than 800 instagram posts.
congratulations on a truly SUCCESSFUL event!
Click Here, to Download the color the world orange™ 2014 sign
Photos from Color The World Orange™ 2014
All photos used with permission.
“What a great success we had today! Thank you for all of your hard work. I think this is the most exposure RSD/CRPS has ever had. Kudos to everyone!”
“I’m so happy that we sufferers can spread awareness about this terrible disorder. I’m glad to say that I proudly wore my orange today and have been advocating and educating people all day. It’s been amazing to see how many people are genuinely interested in learning how to help. Thank you for helping us spread the word and I hope one day we will have a cure.”
“Thank you for getting the word out about RSD. As someone who has dealt with RSD and all that comes with it for over a decade, it was empowering to see all of that orange…There are so many walks, dedicated days, etc. for other terrible diseases. Unless we all speak up, RSD will remain an invisible disease. Monday’s event was a long time coming. Thank you.”
“You’re so very appreciated by many. What you’re doing and sharing means tons to all of us; thank you. Seeing that on your page meant the world to me and for a few minutes made me forget I had pain. Thank you.”
“’I just want to thank you for introducing Colour The World Orange to us all. It was an amazing day to educate people about this horrible illness.”
“Thanks so much…really appreciate all of your hard work. You are amazing.”
“I want to say, I believe this year WAS BY FAR the most organized and productive for elevating awareness. Great job.”
Quotes used with permission.