How To Get Involved
The easiest way to celebrate Color The World orange™, Is to wear Orange!
Celebrating Color The World Orange™ 2014 in Australia
Make sure to take a picture and post IT to social media with the hashtag: #CRPSORANGEDAY™
Billboards in Times Square, New York for Color The World Orange™ 2017
Send a letter to your local mayor, council member and governor asking for a proclamation naming November as CRPS/RSD awareness month.
Speak to your local newspaper or television station and ask them to run a story about CRPS/RSD.
Plan a CRPS/RSD restaurant night, where a portion of the profits can be donated to a CRPS/RSD non-profit organization.
Ask local businesses to hang signs advertising Color The World Orange™.
Ask local businesses to leave a basket of orange ribbons on the counter with a Color The World Orange™ pamphlet.
Speak to a local nursery and see if it will donate an annual or tree -- perhaps one with orange flowers -- that can be planted in your town. Plan a ceremonial planting with a local official.
Apply to turn your local landmark orange on Color The World Orange™.
Ask your company to leave a basket of orange ribbons in the office for employees to wear. Make sure to leave a Color The World Orange™ pamphlet for colleagues to read.
Plan a Color The World Orange™ fun-run or walk. Encourage everyone to wear orange and award a prize to the person wearing the craziest orange costume.
Color The World Orange™ proclamation signing with the Governor of Iowa in 2014
At School
Plan an orange day at your school where all teachers and students wear orange.
Ask the school newspaper to publish an article about CRPS/RSD.
Dedicate a football or basketball game to CRPS/RSD awareness. Encourage fans to wear orange. Set up a booth outside the game to share CRPS/RSD information.
Plan a bake sale and donate the proceeds to a CRPS/RSD non-profit organization.
If you are in college, get your sorority or fraternity, dorm or club involved. Set up a booth on campus to hand out information about CRPS/RSD.
Plan an event and raise money for a CRPS/RSD non-profit organization.
The SkyDance Bridge in Oklahoma City lit orange during Color The World Orange™ 2014
Change your social media backgrounds to display the Color The World Orange™ logos.
Encourage friends and family to wear orange and post pictures to social media using the hashtag: #CRPSORANGEDAY™.
Post one CRPS/RSD fact on social media every day in November.
Make orange cookies or orange cupcakes to share with family and friends.
tie orange ribbons to distribute to friends and family.
Niagara Falls lit orange for Color The World Orange™ 2016
These are just a few suggestions of ways to get involved. Be creative and have fun! Whether you wear an orange ribbon or plan a large event, your participation will help to spread much-needed awareness of CRPS/RSD!
Trafalgar Square fountains in London lit orange for Color The World Orange™ 2016
All photos used with permission